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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions that are not answered here please send me a message and I will be happy to help you.

In 2023 the fee is $160 for individuals and $250 for families and couples. The creation of an individual plan is $80.

An IP is an individually tailored program that works with the client from a holistic point of view. When a client, adult or adolescent, comes to me, there is a level of detective work. Mainstream psychology only now is understanding the impacts of hormones, health, nutrition, injury, neurodiversity, gender diversity, family systems and intergenerational trauma on the individual. As such, I seek to address all aspects of an individual (body, mind and soul) and work with how these could be impacting the client. Working with external providers incorporates a multi-faceted lens towards the healing of the client that is so much more than talk therapy.

Through trial and error, I have developed professional relationships with a small team of curated alternative and medical therapists such as medical practitioners (integrative or medical GPs, psychiatrists, psychologists), medicalised naturopaths, tradition Chinese medicine practitioners, osteopaths, craneosacral therapists.

My IP includes:

  • A longer term program with suggested external support teams
  • An approximate budget of what the family could expect to pay to myself and external providers.

I work with three main categories of people; Youth and Adolescents, General therapy for Adults and Couples and Reproductive Therapy.

Sessions are usually once every two weeks or once a month but I am happy to work with you and your family to make sure it suits you.

Family Constellation Therapy is a group therapy style developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger in the 1990’s and is a gentle and profound way of looking at and bringing healing to situations that hold us back and create unhappiness, grief, pain or illness in our lives.

Family Constellations is based on the idea that certain issues and patterns we encounter in our daily lives (either on the surface or in the subconscious) are connected to and deeply rooted in our ancestry. What often is missing is the awareness of these connections.

Read more on the Family Constellation Therapy page.